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  • We have offices in Mombasa, Malindi and Watamu
  • 19 years of tour and safari guide experience, including road safari, air safari, camping safari and boat safari
  • I am fluent in English, Italian and Dutch.
  • We have experienced tour drivers fluent in English, Italian, French and Dutch
  • We have 4 land cruisers and 7 open roofed vans, which are fully insured with radio calls and cooler boxes.
  • We also offer booking services for hotel, safari lodge, tented camp, and villa reservations, as well for car rentals.




Mr Ramadhan K. Isundu, popularly known as Rama, is a household name in Malindi and Watamu, Kenya.

I am a professional tour guide having worked in Kenya's Tourism Industry as a tour guide for leading hotels on the Kenyan Coast and also in the Italian dominated Malindi and Watamu destinations.

I have taken care of different tourists from different countries and my clients have always reciprocated by either coming back or sending me either relatives or friends for my personal attention and care both for safaris, hotel arrangements and local excursions.

It is therefore my utmost wish that clients wishing to get a personalised and professional service for good value will contact me on this site.

Karibuni Kenya - Welcome to Kenya!



Parks / Reserves

Amboseli National Reserve
Aruba Dam
Bogoria Lake
Galana River
Kilindini Harbour
Lake Manyara National Park
Lake Nakuru National Park
Lamu Island
Masai Mara National Park
Mtito Andei Gate
Ngorongoro Crator
Serengeti National Park (Tanzania)
Shetani Lava Flow
Shimba Hills National Reserve
Taita Hills Game Sanctuary
Tsavo East National Park
Tsavo West National Park

Lodges and Camps

About Amboseli National Reserve

Situated close to the Tanzanian border approximately 250 kilometres south-east of Nairobi, Amboseli National Reserve lies at the foot of Africa’s tallest mountain: Mount Kilimanjaro. The impressive view of the snow-capped mountain rising above a saucer of clouds is not but all there is to see in this reserve, which also is home to an abundance of wildlife, such as lions, elephants, cheetahs, buffalos and leopards. Due to the snowmelt from the Kilimanjaro, there is a constant water supply. The underground streams join into two clear water springs in the heart of Amboseli National Park.

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About Aruba Dam

The Aruba Dam is an artificial water hole in Tsavo East National Park that many animals (buffaloes, zebras, elephants, baboons and water birds) frequent to quench their thirst. The dam was built 1952 across the river Voi.

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About Bogoria Lake

Bogoria Lake is a long and shallow soda lake located in the Great Rift Valley, about 60 km north of Nakuru. The lake is famous for its hot springs and geysers. Its richness in blue-green algae attracts thousands of flamingos and pelicans to its shores and some of the hot springs serve as natural spas, suitable for bathing. The surrounding Bogoria Park is home to numerous animals (buffaloes, hyenas, warthogs, zebras, impalas, baboons, gazelles, and dik diks to name but a few).

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About Galana River

The green corridor of the Galana River is a stark contrast to the surrounding savanna vegetation of the rest of Tsavo East National Park. It is water-bearing all year round and is home to a variety of animals. Upstream are the Lugard’s Falls, which are not actually waterfalls per se, but after rainfalls they form a thunderous current heading for the Galana River through relatively narrow and bizarre stone formations. The plateau oboe Lugard’s Falls can be reached by foot, but caution is to be exercised, as a false step can end fatally.

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About Kilindini Harbour

Kilindini Harbour serves as the main harbour of the Port of Mombasa, Kenya’s only international sea port for cargo ships and cruise lines. This natural deep-water inlet extends as far as Uganda and Sudan and is managed by the Kenya Ports Authority. The British Eastern Fleet used the port during World War II. until the Japanese naval threat to Colombo, Ceylon – now Sri Lanka – had bee remoed.

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About Lake Manyara National Park

This relatively small park (only 330km²) is situated in northern Tanzania at a distance of 120km from Arusha. Two thirds consist of water and the Great Rift Valley Escarpment rises sharply at the western side. Despite its small size this park is host to the most game in the country. When on tour at Lake Manyara keep a look out for leopards and tree climbing lions. Even if you do not see the evasive cats you are bound to see plenty of birds and cloven-hoofed animals, such as buffalos and other wildebeests, that graze on the floodplain, as well as hippos bathing in the water.

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About Lake Nakuru National Park

This alkaline lake is bedded on the Great Rift Valley 160km from Nairobi. The warm waters attract over a million flamingos and other waterfowl that feed on the lake’s algae. Apart from the beautiful bird life, which attracts many ornithologists and scientist, the park also offers a great deal of savannah and forest game due to its ecological diversity (ranging from clips, ridges to wood and bush land to lake water) including leopards, buffalos, lions, rhinos and giraffes. This park is (the only) home to the Rothschild Giraffe

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About Lamu Island

In the romantic town of Lamu time seems to have sparks_topped turning since the beginnings of the 20th century. A common form of transport is still the donkey as there are no cars here and more dhows are to be seen here than anywhere else on the East African coast. The Islamic town used to be a trading port and has developed into a popular destination for those seeking the charm of Lamu’s narrow, winding streets and the remarkably clean beach.

Up to the year of Kenya’s independence in 1963 the island was subject to the Sultanate of Zanzibar after having been under Portuguese governance for a century.

You will not forget your visit to the enchanting island of Lamu.

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About Masai Mara National Park

At a distance of 275km from Nairobi, this national park, one of Kenya’s most famous, covers the northern end of the Serengeti Plain and measures more 1500km². Herds of zebras and wildebeest can be found here in the seemingly endless plains of Masai Mara, offering breathtaking views, especially during the migration period in late June/July. Zebra and gazelles from the Serengeti cross the river Mara, the natural border to Tanzania, in order to reach the lush grass land, where hunters like lions, hyenas and vultures are close on their heels. The migration lasts till August, however the Masai Mara National Park is an excellent game-viewing park all year round. You will be able to encounter elephants, rhinos, buffalos, crocodiles, hippos and big cats, as well as eagles and buzzards and other raptors.

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About Mtito Andei Gate

The main entrance to Tsavo West National Park is Mtito Andei, a small town between Nairobi and Mombasa, where you can find places to eat, petrol stations and some hotels.

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About Namanga town

Namanga is a border town part Kenyan, part Tanzanian. It takes aproximately 3 hours from both Nairobi and Arusha to reach. The border posts are open 24 hours and the form filling is quickly completed. Overlooking Namanga is Oi-Doinyo Orok (the Black Mountain) a mountain sacred to the Masai, who pose the greater part of Namanga’s population. Namanga’s economy is dependant on tourism and you will see many Masai women in this town offering their handicrafts.

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About Narok

Narok is a small and friendly town 2,5 hours southwest of Nairobi in the heart of Masai-land with aprox. 40 000 inhabitants. Its proximity to the famous Masai Mara National Park has made the town a popular sparks_top-over for tourists. The rural areas, mostly Masai villages, supply a plentitude of fresh produce, however the town itself has water shortages frequently. The town of Narok is considered safe even though there are no street lights which makes it very dark at night.

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About Ngorongoro Crater

The crater is one of Africa’s most amazing wildlife spectacles. With an average of only 15 km radius its prairies are home to an estimated 30 000 large mammals. Located at the eastern Serengeti in Northern Tanzania the landscape is made of prairies, forest, volcanic mounds and little lakes. Six 3000m high volcanic cones surround Ngorongoro - an ideal place for viewing game, which include: lion, elephant, hippo, wildebeest, hyena, baboon, gazelle, zebra and the endangered black rhino.

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About Samburu

The reserve in the northern region of Kenya (aprox. 325 km from Nairobi) is within the lands of the Samburu tribe, a tribe related to the famous Masai. Rare species, such as Gravy’s Zebra, gerenuk, Oryx, reticulated giraffe or the Somali Ostrich can be found here. Astonishingly they have adapted to the hot climate so well, they can go without water for long periods of time, obtaining liquid solely through their food.

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About Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

In the Masai language, Serengeti means “the place where the land moves on forever”. The park covers 14 763km² of grassland plains and savanna as well as riverine forest and woodlands. Serengeti is mostly known for its animal migration. Over a million wildebeests and 200 000 zebras come flowing down from the northern hills for the short rain periods in Octobre and Novembre.

Together with the Ngorongoro Area and the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya the Serengeti National Park protects the largest and most diverse collection of terrestial wildlife on earth with one of the last functioning migratory systems.

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About Shetani Lava Flow

In Swahili the word shetani means “devil” or “ghost”. More than 200 years ago the earth in Tsavo opened and lava came flowing through the landscape like a burning river. The Masai still recount the fight that two fire devils apparently had and the blazing tails of these devils brought the earth to melt. Since then the cold lava stream is called shetani.

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About Shimba Hills National Reserve

Located near the south coast of Kenya, Shimba Hills measure aprox. 200km². The landscape includes bush and grass areas, as well as streams, lakes and the Sheldrick Falls – a waterfall in the middle of the primeval forest. Plenty of game can be seen at Shimba Hills National Reserve, including: elephants, leopards, giraffes, buffalos, antelopes, warthogs, and the endangered Sable Antelope.

In midst the ancient tropical rain forest the Shimba Hills Lodge was built with indigenous timber, thus blending well with its surrounding vegetation. Uniquely furnished with gnarled tree trunks the lodge can accommodate up 65 people. From the open dining room you can enjoy unrestricted game and bird viewing any time of the day. You can also make use of the elevated walkway that takes you out into the wildlife at a safe distance. To reach the coast only takes 45 minutes, where beautiful beaches await you.

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About Taita Hills Game Sanctuary

The Taita Hills lie between Tsavo East and Tsavo West at a height of over 2000 metres. It is a more scenic park, which is well watered in comparison to the neighbouring Tsavo. Among the game you can view from the sanctuary are elephants, lions, Oryx, leopards, kudu, and many more.

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About Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East National Park (330km from Nairobi) is one of Kenya’s oldest and largest National Parks and opened in the late 1940s. It is renown internationally not only for its beautiful views in the magical light and the lush vegetation of bushy grassland and open plains with semi-arid acacia scrub and woodlands, but also for its huge herds of elephants and the numerous other animals that contribute to this park’s immense biodiversity.

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About Tsavo West National Park

This easy-to-reach park is aprox. 240km from Nairobi off the Naiorbi-Mombasa road. Home to over 60 species of mammals, such as elephants, buffalos, mongoose, hyrax, dik dik and the nocturnal porcupine these semi-arid plains offer tremendous views with diverse habitats ranging from mountains, river forest, plains, lakes and wooded grassland. A special feature are the Springs - water seeping through volcanic rock into clear pools, whereMzima you can watch hippos bathe and will be greeted by velvet monkeys from the surrounding greenery.

Tsavo West National Park has a number of foot trails, which make it suitable for hikers, who wish explore nature by foot.

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About Yatta Plateau

The plateau is the world’s largest lava flow and runs along the western boundary of Tsavo East National Park above the Athi River. It measures 290 km in length and was formed by lava oozing from the Ol Doinyo Sabuk Mountain.

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Staying at a lodge/camp

Safari lodges and tented camps, which have been painstakingly built in the bush, offer simple yet remarkably comfortable rooms. Lodges are designed to merge with the surroundings and use a natural design theme, with open, airy lounges and public areas.Bars and swimming pools are a regular feature at almost all the lodges.

Among the lodges/camps RamaKenya Safaris frequents are the

At a camp you can expect large tents which are furnished with a double or a single bed (mosquito nets are usually provided), solar-powered electric lights, and en suite bathroom with shower, washbasin and flush toilet.

Some camps also have a lounge, bar and/or dining area, usually built from natural materials.

Most of the lodges and camps offer full board accommodation with meals, serving a variety of cuisines. For those camping out under the stars, a camp cook is usually provided, who can cook delicious food from a campfire. Many lodges and camps also organise special bush dinners or breakfasts, with meals served in the wild.

You can also combine appetite with adventure and visit a Masai community where you can taste traditional Masai cuisine. Masai delicacies include sour milk, and on special occasions, fresh blood taken either from a live cow or freshly slaughtered animal.

Whether you wish to be accommodated at a lodge or a camp is up to you. Rama will make according arrangements to suit your housing preferences. Click  


About Voi Safari Lodge

The lodge is a cliff dwelling situated on the parks_top of a hill, which overlooks the plains of Tsavo East. From the advantageous position off the cliffs, you are bound to see some of Kenya’s wildlife, frequenting to one of the three waterholes beneath the cliffs.

Apart from 52 ensuite room (spacious, but simply kept) the lodge also has a terrace and a tunnel for game viewing, two bars, two restaurants and a swimming pool of dug-up rock.

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About Ndololo Camp

The camp is located in the Tsavo East National Park close to the Voi Gate. Without fences it offers a taste of wilderness and adventure. The tents are equipped with a shower and a toilette outside the tent. Meals are served as an African Buffet amd you will sleep in comfortable beds (mosquito nets provided) with a nocturnal serenade from the cicada.

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About Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge

The lodge is the first game-viewing lodge in Kenya and is located in the heart of Tsavo West National Park. It has 53 modern rooms with bathroom and a veranda. It also has its own airstrip for convenient travel from Nairobi and Mombasa. Swimming pool and restaurant. Laundry service available. Memorable views onto some of the most rugged scenery with the snow-capped peaks of Kilimanjaro above the mountains. At a distance of 100 metres is a waterhole which attracts wildlife from all over the park.

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About Ngulia Safari Lodge

The ldoge is situated in Tsavo West National Park on the edge of the Ndewe Escarpment, from which it offers a spectacular panorama view of the plains of Tsavo. Overlooking the Rhino Sanctuary the lodge is a perfect base from which to explore Tsavo National Park.The lodge has 52room with bath and shower and balcony, a swimming pool, two bars, one restaurant and a viewing bay from which you can see Kenya’s wildlife.

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About Salt Lick Lodge

The Salt Lick Lodge within the privately owned game sanctuary, situated at the foor of the Taita Hills offers an unusual game viewing experience. From the stilted platforms where the thatched guestrooms are, you can watch animals feeding from the waterhole and salt lick. Furthermore you can make use the lodges’ underground tunnel and bunker system which leads to the waterhole where you will be able to watch the elephants closely, right before your eyes.

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